Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Orleans Day 2 - Week 1

Well, here we are after our second day of work. Our newcomers from the Hiram Christian Church joined us today. The help was sorely needed.

As for our projects, we had one small group of people working on the parsonage in order to get it ready for the new pastor and her husband. They spent the day painting and cleaning. Things are in pretty good shape there now.

Another group was sent back to the four-plex this morning where they continued to patch drywall and paint. Then this afternoon they went to another new house and began painting the outside. They worked hard and accomplished a lot.

We also had our group return to pastor Washington’s transition house. We needed to replace Soffits and Facia boards on the back of the building. It was challenging to find something solid enough to attach the new wood to. While there we also made some progress on putting the vinyl siding on the side of the building. Everyone is stiff and sore tonight.

After work today, we all got ready and went out to eat. Half the group went to the French Quarter, while the other half of our group went out to eat with Brother Vance at a place called “Lil G’s”. The food was good and the portions HUGE. And of course the company was great. It’s getting late and it’s time for bed. Back to work early in the morning.



  1. You better get that painting done before Phil gets there. If not.....PUT ANOTHER COAT ON IT.....is all you're gonna hear!! LOL

    Happy painting guys!! Miss ya!

  2. What's the weather like?
